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By now most of you probably heard about ads cropping up all over the US capital for Bethesda's Fallout 3 (PC/360/PS3). Most of the ads were spotted in the DC Metro. Lately, these ads triggered negative responses from certain people, who seem more than concerned about seeing post-apocalyptic images of the city and its historical sights such as the Washington Monument and the Capitol Dome.
"The people of our city do not need a daily reminder that Washington is a prime target for an attack," said Joseph Anzalone in a letter to the editor of the Washington Post (spotted by GP). "We do not need a daily reminder of what our worst fears look like," he added. "Since any First Amendment objection would be irrelevant (the ads do not present a true viewpoint or political message and would therefore not be protected), there is no reason for these ads to be part of our daily panorama."
He appeals to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, asking them to employ better judgment as to what is displayed in the city's transportation system.
GP points out that this is a matter of opinion and highlights that this guy, Anzalone, is a bit hazy on the US Constitution. The ads are protected by the First Amendment and fall under free speech.

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