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07 November 2008

Reviving 'Alien Breed'

According to this report, Team17 -- once one of the most renowned developers for the long forgotten Amiga platform -- are now apparently working on a new Alien Breed game. Alien Breed was a popular top-down action shooter back in 1991, which, as you may have guessed (or if you can remember that far back), was inspired by the Aliens movie. Two years later the game made it to PCs. Now, Team17 studio director Martyn Brown stated that a new Alien Breed title has been in development for several months and is expected to arrive next year.
"I think it's safe to say that it's perhaps one of the larger indie digital titles to date and has pretty high production values."

"It's something we've always wanted to do, and despite being exceptionally close on a number of occasions to getting the right deal on various platforms, it never worked out. Fortunately sci-fi action is back in fashion, and we look forward to delivering Alien Breed - the details of which may surprise a few people when we cough them out."

Speaking as an Amiga veteran, yes, I definitely remember this one. Used to play it like crazy back then.

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