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Bethesda's Paul Oughton had a chat with, revealing the information that a new Elder Scrolls may probably see the light of day come 2010.

"At the moment we've got Fallout 3 for this year and potentially there's a new Elder Scrolls title in 2010," said Oughton. Also, when asked about development for the Nintendo Wii, he replied: "At the moment we're not that interested in the Wii. We're going to stick to PS3, Xbox 360 and PC."

They are obviously gearing up to cast the Elder Scrolls franchise into the massive ocean of MMOGs. You know what, only the very best swimmers can survive in that ocean and last I heard, Blizzard is the best in that department. Also, call me picky, but I'm not very keen on playing an Oblivion-like MMOG.

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